ICON Park Attractions

The Wheel at ICON Park
Orlando’s most eye-catching attraction, The Wheel at ICON Park, provides a scenic route over the heart of central Florida. With the right timing, you’ll have the opportunity to watch the sunset over Universal Studios or the notable firework show put on by our friends at Disney World. Don’t miss out on this astonishing attraction that the whole family can experience together. See you there!

A must-see wax figure museum that features the most significant people of our time including inventors, athletes, actors, and even Super Heroes from the Justice League! The museum offers its guests the chance to make his or her own personal wax replica of their hands which gives insight into this timely process of making renowned human-figure waxes. A super cool place to bring your friends and family to in order to have a unique experience in Orlando.

Plunge down into the deepest part of the ocean with all of our fishy friends here at the Sea Life Aquarium. This site allows one to visit the different habitats of sea creatures while also engaging in informational stations that will deepen your knowledge of the world down under. The aquarium provides a unique experience for children and adults due to the vast amount of interesting facts provided pertaining to each animal. This attraction deems to be a perfect fit for those who enjoy exploring into the deepest trenches of the oceans to get eye-to-eye with the most beautiful creatures of the sea. DIVE DEEP into the learning experiences offered here at Sea Life Orlando!